Hola Amores,
I know. Why would I encourage a divorce?! But hear me out.
Every year at the start of the year the people around us, as well as the influencers and content creators we follow, encourage us to create a vision board of what we want or they tell us about how to use manifestation techniques to bring our goals into fruition. In fact, I’ve written a post and created videos in the past about my own vision board making because there is nothing wrong with having goals. It is good to have goals, but we have to be careful of falling into the trap of making goals without God.
In a previous post, I talked about how 2019 had been a year of evaluation and reconstruction. One of the reasons it was the way it was, is because the things I wanted for my life didn’t match what God wanted, or at the very least didn’t match His timeline. As I reflect, I realize that a lot of my goals through the years didn’t exactly match God’s, and I had to take the long road to the places He wanted for me. But if I had just consulted Him first, listened, and let go of my imperfect expectations, then I would have gotten to greater heights much sooner.

We, of course, have grand plans for ourselves, but God does too.The bible says in Jeremiah 29: 11 “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” The thing about God’s plans though, is that they are even better than what we could imagine for ourselves. 1 Corinthians 2:9 reminds us that “…no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.” And if that isn’t enough of a reminder that God wants good things for us, Psalm 84:11 and Mathew 7:11 plainly lets us know that the Lord wishes to withhold no good thing from us, but to give us good gifts.

God’s desires for us go beyond what we define as the greatest success we could attain. The reality is, we can only see a small corner of the picture, while God sees the picture in its entirety! Thus, it would be remiss of us if we did not include God in our goal making process. Divorcing your own plan doesn’t mean you’re without goals, but instead it means giving up control of the vision. It means understanding that God could change up the script a bit, and if/when He does, it means embracing it because we know it’s what’s best for us.
So as you work on your goals for the new year, and re-evaluate what you’ve been working on thus far, remember God. Detach yourself from your imperfect, vain, goals and let God show you where He is to take you. Ask Him what it is He desires for you, and in the end you will not be disappointed in how He brings about a success greater than you imagined. Get a divorce from your own expectations and try God.
His plan leads to your ultimate success. Make Him the capitán of your ship!
Hablamos pronto,
